Monthly Archives: oktoober 2015

Until You Die


If you go to the temple and your prayer becomes a desire, it will never be heard. Because a prayer is possible only when desire is not there. A desire can never become a prayer. If you ask for something, you will miss. You are not praying. And God knows whatsoever your need is.

`I don’t desire anything’?

Be silent. Only silence is prayer.

So all the prayers that you have been doing are false. All the prayers that have been taught to you are not prayers at all — dead rituals. There is only one prayer, and that is to be silent. That is to be so silent that not a single word floats in the lake of your consciousness. No ripple. The lake is completely silent. It becomes a mirror. It mirrors existence. It mirrors God. In that moment of silence everything is achieved.

Osho,  Discourses on the Sufi Way


“Die as you are so that you can become that which you really are. Die to the ego so that the Divine can be born in you. Die to the past so that you become open to the future. Die to the known so the unknown can penetrate in you. Die to the mind so the heart can start throbbing again.”


Ent oled sa mõelnud või tundnud, mis saab,
kui mind enam ei ole?
kui endasse tagasi tõmbun, kui sulle mind enam ei ole.
Võib-olla sul jäävana tundun
kui meri või põline laas
või taevas, mis peakohal kumbub
kui kastetilk auramas maas.
Ent minulgi vahel on valus, kui peitma pean pisaraid
ma tean ju, et sa kergelt ei talu, mu kurbuste tagamaid
kas aimad, kui habras on niit?
mis mind sinu või eluga seob
ja jäädavalt minema siit,
mõni tunnetu helk minu viib…

– Urmas Alender


“Sing and dance, and completely merge yourself in the dancing and singing. The moment the dancer has disappeared and only the dance remains, you have entered. The moment the singer has disappeared and only singing has remained, you have entered.” -Osho


Pure joy is not a state.
It’s not, ‘Wow, I am having a really good time.’
Good time, bad time—such times make no difference to the Self.
You don’t know what good time and bad time is.
You only know the joy of the Supreme.
You are always empty.
Inside, outside: empty.
You don’t know how to measure anything.
This emptiness is not a measure.
It’s just your joy—the joy that was there from before the beginning of this world.
And it is here during the great play of the world.
And after the show of the world is over, it will still be here.

Here inside your Heart you find it.

~ Mooji


I am going to tell you something now that you don’t hear very often in the world,
and I use myself as an example for you.
If you want to go all the way, give up the sense that you have any rights in life.
Have no right at all. Have no rights for anything.
Then everything is a gift.
When you don’t deserve anything, everything is a gift.
Just try.
Just for you. Okay?
This is not a political decision.
Give up this sense that you have rights, that life owes you something, and feel the space that remains. Maybe, initially, you will feel vulnerability like, ‘Oh my God, I can’t stand up for my rights. I will be abused.’ But go beyond this feeling.
Sacrifice it for a greater truth.
You must begin to think with your God-mind.
God does not have rights.
God does not need any rights.
You have to be like God.
Give up this sense you have rights.
You wish to go all the way?
Give up pride also.
Give up future too.
If you give up future, you give up past also.
Just for you. You don’t have to tell anybody.
And give up this dependency, ‘Who will be here for me?’
And give up projections such as, ‘Yes, in two years time
I will be in a solid relationship and I will own my own apartment.’
There is nothing so great about that.
It just keeps you being a sucker.
You don’t want to be a sucker.
There is greater than this to come.
You miss the full adventure and power
that comes from the Holy spirit if you start to choose for yourself.
If you feel to choose for yourself, He will leave you to choose for yourself.
But as soon as you give up this sense of rights; if you say,
‘You give me the sense of choice. You are my choice,’
then something else will happen.
In the world nobody tells you this.
There you have to be proud and say, ‘Listen, I have rights!’
When I have rights, the world has done me a lot of wrongs.
Give up pride.
Pride in being a woman.
Pride in being beautiful.
Pride in being accomplished in something.
Pride that you are a certain race, religion or nation.
Give up all of these things.
They belong to the devil.
They don’t belong to you.
And experience what remains.
A great space will open inside your Heart.
Huge humility.
Huge acceptance, love, wisdom and freedom
as you experience integration with the cosmic being.
And no force on earth can manipulate or bind you,
because you have made yourself empty of all that makes a ‘person’.
Why think it is so great to be a person?
For a while we have to taste that state of personhood,
but there must come a time when you return to purity.
Come back to your purity, your original being!
You ask, ‘How?’
Collapse at God’s feet. This is no ordinary fall.
It is not falling down.
It is falling upwards into the embrace of the Living God.

~ Mooji