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10 sügavat tarkust teadjanaiselt Mai-Agate Väljatagalt


Armastatud vaimuteemal kõneleja ja alternatiivravitsejast teadjanaine Mai-Agate Väljataga jagab oma ajatuid tarkusi elu vääramatute seaduste kohta.

1. Töö, mida sa naudid – kõik tegevused, mida tehakse sisemise meeldivuse, kirega, ennast, aega ja ruumi unustades, loovad nii inimese enda kui ka Maaema energiavälja midagi kolossaalset. See on nagu puhastustuli. Sa pead alluma sellele tungile, mis sul sees on. Siis käid sa oma rada pidi.

2. Seda, mida me Maa peale õppima tuleme, püüame me tavaliselt kogu hingest vältida.See on “pimetäpp” – asi, mida me ei märka, ei salli, kardame. Või siis inimene, kellest meeleheitlikult kinni hoiame. See “pimetäpp” ongi eluülesanne, mida on vaja tähele panna.

3. Aus olemine on praegu tõesti väga oluline, eriti iseendaga aus olemine.Eelkõige selleks, et hoida oma energiad harmoonilises ja stabiilses koosluses, ning et stabiilsus püsiks üha pikemat aega kui ebastabiilsus. On ebaaus, kui su sõnad ja mõtted ei ole sünkroonis – kas sa ikka ise usud, mida räägid? Kas ütled ikka välja, mida tegelikult mõtled?

4. Saad alati seda, millele keskendud – niisiis keskendu ikka sellele, mis meeldib.Kui hoiad oma teadvuse mittemeeldiva peal, siis lood ja tõmbad seda ka oma ellu. Paljud kurdavad, et “unistan küll, aga mu ellu soovitut ei tule”. See on sellepärast, et ei usuta iseendasse – et ollakse võimeline oma ellu tooma seda, mis meeldib.

5. Meeleheitlikult mõtlemise aeg on möödas. Möödas on aeg, mil püüame intellektiga asju paika panna. Oleme jõudnud ajastusse, kus peame kuulama oma südant – kas me seda tahame või mitte. Me peame järgima oma intuitsiooni. Oleme jõudnud sellisesse ajastusse, kus peame õppima tingimusteta armastama. Ajastusse, kus oleme koguaeg siin ja praegu, käesolevas hetkes; kus me ei kahetse minevikku ega karda tulevikku.

6. Karma on põhjuse ja tagajärje seadus.Igal meie teol, mõttel, tundel ja sõnal on tagajärg. See ongi karma. Ja praegusel ajal ei kogune karma kuhugi tulevikku, ammugi mitte järgmistesse eludesse, vaid tuleb kohe inimesele tagasi. Praegu on magnetenergiate, Maa energiate ja meie enda energiate sagedus on nii suur, et loomine toimub kohe, peaaegu momentaalselt.

7. Ühiskond õpetab, et tasub teha vaid tulusaid asju. Aga kõigi jaoks ei jätku ju ainult tulusaid asju, peavad olema ka vähem tulusad asjad – näiteks kunstiga seotud teemad – mis toidavad meid hingeliselt. Ja kui su hing ei saa toitu ning elad vaid intellektiga, siis jõuad lõpuks ikka selleni, et oled iseendaga rahulolematu, õnnetu ega saa aru, mis viga. Kui teed seda, mille poole sind vastupandamatu jõuga tõmbab, siis sa leiadki oma tee. Usaldage oma südant ja intuitsiooni. See on üks võimalus ja see on väga mõnus privileeg – käia oma südame järgi.

8. Me õpime praegu oma väge kasutama.Kui sa võtad vastutuse oma elu eest 100% enda peale ja vastutad ka oma mõtete, tunnete, sõnade ja tegude eest, siis ei otsi sa põhjuseid oma elusündmustele väljast, vaid mõistad, et kasvad seestpoolt väljapoole ja ka lood seestpoolt väljapoole, mitte vastupidi. Nii tehes ei süüdista sa teisi. Ei maksa ka iseennast süüdistada – kõik on kogemine, mitte viltu minemine. Iseenda väärtustamine on väga oluline! Eelkõige iseenda väe üle vastutuse võtmine ja suunamine sellele, mis meile meeldib.

9. Õppige ka lihtsalt olema. Ärge tahtke kogu aeg olla keegi või miski. Inimene on õnnelik oma südant kuulates ja tehes seda, mis meeldib – usaldage oma sisemist mina. Me naerame liiga vähe ega näe elu lõbusamaid külgi. Kuid igal asjal on naljakas pool, märgake seda ja tehke oma elu huvitavamaks. Naerge rohkem!

10. Kui sa ise oled salliv ja armastav, siis on ka sinu ümber sallivad ja armastavad inimesed. See on energeetiline külgetõmbeseadus. Seda nimetakse fusioonprotsessiks. Fusioon tähendabki seda, et mida sa sisaldad, seda sa ligi tõmbad. Ühined sama energiaga, mis on su ümber. Mida vihasem oled, seda rohkem on su ümber vihaseid inimesi, seda rohkem on su ümber vihaseid ja halbu olukordi ning sündmusi. Me loome 100% ise oma isikliku maailma.

Mõtted on pärit kirjastuse Pilgrim poolt välja antud Mai-Agate Väljataga raamatutest “Loomise õpetus”, “Sinu igavene elu” ja “Elutarkuse terad”.



Those born with Mermaid imprinted on their soul feel at one with nature. They see the wonders of the world with an appreciative eye, but also know that there is much more going on behind the proverbial curtain. The Mermaid constantly interacts and exchanges various feelings with others including joy, peace, and liveliness. The Mermaid’s language of love is an affirmation.

Greed doesn’t really measure in the mind of the Mermaid. They do not seek to possess others, but rather walk with them in mutual goals and dreams. The Mermaid’s inner child is strong and very active.

The Mermaid is an amazing empath, but this can also be her undoing. She feels everything. A crowded room can become totally overwhelming. Thankfully with time and practice, she can learn to detach from others feelings and consider them much as one might watch a movie. This protects the Mermaid from psychic overload and burnout.

Regarding relationships Mermaid people may not settle down, but they certainly enjoy a good lover. There is raw, unbridled sexuality here that begs for attention. Because they are very private people, however, some of these desires go unfulfilled.

Like the creature of myths, Mermaid Totems are drawn to water. The ocean, in particular, has healing and energizing qualities to it. The Mermaid Mage often works exclusively with the Water Element.

The Mermaid person has intense psychic abilities. You see spirits, fairies, Devas, Angels, and other Fantasy creatures easily. Some of the gifts you may have include clairvoyance and hypnotic allure.



Invictus by English poet William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.


“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

― William Hutchison Murray


“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings.”

― Henry David Thoreau, Walden


We are divine beings in a state of recovery,
re-discovering our divinity,
winning back ourselves from states of delusion.
However, the mind is very much a key player
in the drama called life, because without it,
the consciousness cannot experience
the necessary friction for transcendence to occur.
And transcendence is the whole purpose of the game.
It is a kingly game when seen
with eyes of understanding.
If you stay stuck in personhood, life will kick your ass.
But if you are open to Truth, then you are continuously
expanding into greater and greater seeing.
Finally, you will exclaim,
‘I love this stepping out of the shadow of myself
into the bright light of my Self.’
If my words are true,
it is you who make them true.
They come alive inside you
because you listen inside your heart and accept them.
Not just the words, but what they point to
somehow recognises itself,
and the stagnant, the suppressed,
vanishes in the light of this real seeing.
The serpent-mind loses its tongue
in the presence of the real Self.
You are the Self.

~ Mooji


′′ Let go the people who are not prepared to love you. This is the hardest thing you will have to do in your life and it will also be the most important thing. Stop having hard conversations with people who don’t want to change.
Stop showing up for people who are not interested in your presence. I know your gut is to do everything to earn the appreciation of those around you, but it’s a boost that steals your time, energy, mental and physical health.

When you begin to fight for a life with joy, interest and commitment, not everyone will be ready to follow you in this place. This doesn’t mean you need to change what you are, it means you should let go the people who aren’t ready to accompany you.

If you are excluded, insulted, forgotten or ignored by the people you give your time to, you don’t do a favor by continuing to offer your energy and your life. The truth is you are not for everyone and not everyone is for you.

That’s what makes it so special when you find people you have friendship or love with. You will know how precious it is because you experienced what is not.

The more time you spend trying to make you love for someone you can’t, the more time you spend depriving yourself of the possibility of this connection with someone else.

There are billions of people on this planet and many of them will meet you, at your level of interest and commitment.
The more you stay involved with people who use you as a pillow, a background option or a therapist for emotional healing, the longer you walk away from the community you want.

Maybe if you stop showing up, you won’t be wanted. Maybe if you stop trying, the relationship will end. Maybe if you stop texting your phone will stay dark for weeks
That doesn’t mean you ruined the relationship, it means the only thing holding back was the energy only you gave to keep it.

This is not love, it’s attachment. It’s wanting to give a chance to those who don’t deserve it You deserve a lot, there are people who shouldn’t be in your life, you’ll realize.

The most valuable thing you have in your life is your time and energy as both are limited. When you give your time and energy, you define your existence.

When you realize this you begin to understand why you are so anxious when you spend time with people, in activities, places or situations that don’t suit you and shouldn’t be around you, you get stolen in energy.

You will begin to realize that the most important thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you is to protect your energy more viciously than anything else.
Make your life a safe haven, in which only ′′ compatible ′′ people are allowed with you.

You are not responsible for saving anyone You are not responsible for convincing them to improve. It’s not your work to exist for people and give your life to them!

Because if you feel bad, if you feel obligated, you will be the root of all your problems by your insistence, fearing that you will not be returned the favours you have given. It is your only obligation to realize that you are the master of your destiny and accept the love you think you deserve.

Decide that you deserve true friendship, commitment.” true and complete love with healthy and prosperous people. Then wait and see how much everything starts to change and it will change, that’s for sure, with positive people and good energy, don’t waste time with people who aren’t worth it, change will give you the love, the esteem, happiness and the protection you deserve.